How Chinese Medicine can help at this stage? Ovarian stimulation is the second stage of IVF fertility treatment. It also happens if you decide to donate eggs or vitrify your …
Are you aware of how your body may be affected by certain emotions? In Chinese medicine, it is considered that the dysfunction of an organ affects a certain emotional aspect …
Postpartum care is critical and a quarantine is necessary. In Chinese Medicine, women have considerable waste of Qi (energy) and Xue (Blood) during pregnancy and childbirth. Therefore it is essential …
Can stress mess your body up?
Have you ever wondered why you’re eating as much but you still are losing weight and your stomach is upset and you feel constantly fatigue? Is that normal? Well, that’s …
Is it normal to run out of energy by noon?
I see some patients these days complaining that they feel tired by lunch time. Obviously the lack of sunlight, raining mood and cold don’t help to boost your energies back …
Eating cholesterol DOES NOT increase your blood cholesterol levels
It is important to know that your body regulates its cholesterol no matter what the dietary cholesterol intake is. Cholesterol is only found in animal sources, while plants have their …
Are food and other allergies becoming more common or just more recognized?
This is a question that I’ve been asking myself based on moms and dads coming to the clinic with kids reporting if they are sensitive, intolerant or allergic to some …
Do you know chronic pain wouldn’t exist without gravity?
Gravity just amplifies any chronic pain so much. Trust me when I tell you that people suffering from chronic conditions would wish earth had moon like gravity. Or just less …
Why does homemade peanut butter taste so different than the processed one?
We all know peanut butter is a great source of energy, easy to digest, rich in proteins and fiber, low in carbs, etc. We can buy in any supermarket at …
Liver Deficiency and Emotions
It might reflect on yourself as follows: 1 – When you get really angry, you tend to cry. 2 – You carry a lot of tension in your body unconsciously. …