089 400 5106


Mon to Fri: 10am - 7:30pm / Sat: 1pm - 7:30pm

Symptoms associated with anxiety, both physical and emotional, respond amazingly to Chinese Medicine techniques.

In consultation, we treat cases of anxiety by combining acupuncture with Tui Na massage (similar to Deep massage) and herbal medicine for the syndrome that is causing anxiety in each specific case.

After the first session, there is usually a decrease in the intensity of the common bodily sensations (e.g palpitations, chest tightness, restlessness, muscle tension…) and during the successive sessions, the calming effect consolidates and allows that state to be maintained with serenity more continuously; improve the quality of sleep and regain the level of energy.

It is not that emotions disappear as coping with them is important to overcome and reaching higher levels of maturity. We feel emotions to motivate us to change things. However (and this is the key factor) it is possible to manage them better and be able to see life with more perspective: the big picture. The only way to reach this state is being calm, and acupuncture help your reaching it.

Chinese Medicine treatment can be used as a sole treatment for anxiety. However if you are already undergoing a treatment for anxiety, you can complement it with acupuncture.

If you are experiencing a period of significant stress and anxiety does not allow you to be calm, give Chinese Medicine a try. It will significantly improve your quality of life.

Photo by Meghan Hessler

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