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YES!!!  Current (limited) studies show acupuncture to be an effective treatment for those with restless leg syndrome. 

However let’s start from the beginning by defining what this syndrome is:

Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS), despite being poorly known and understood, approximately 10 percent of the population has RLS. This condition often appears with periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD) but in fact they are two separate and distinct disorders.

RLS is a neurologic sleep and movement disorder characterized by an almost irresistible urge or need to move the limbs, usually related to uncomfortable limb sensations, which are worse during inactivity. Movement of the limbs occurs in order to relieve the uncomfortable sensations. A person with RLS must be awake and conscious to be bothered by RLS. In order to relieve their RLS symptoms and fall asleep, people with RLS often move their limbs and toss and turn in bed, which may disturb their bed partners.

In modern times, people find acupuncture helpful for chronic pain, hormonal imbalances, headaches, and more. Although acupuncture hasn’t been scientifically proven to relieve the symptoms of restless leg syndrome (RLS), the current research indicates there may be some benefits.

How acupuncture can help in reducing Restless Leg Syndrome?

The benefits of using acupuncture treatment go from relief of RLS pain and discomfort and  increased sleep quality to reduced restless leg sensations.

What TCM says about the causes of RLS?

Surprisingly, this non life-threating syndrome involves many Organs affected based on TCM including the Liver, Heart and Kidneys.

The treatment principles include balancing yin and yang and promoting Qi and Blood circulation, nourishing the Spleen dredging the Sanjiao Channel and regulating the Du and Ren Channels. 

The RLS’s cause relates to psychological factors affecting one’s spirit, can lead to restlessness during sleep. 

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) principles, Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) is closely related to organ energy imbalances, especially in the liver, heart, and kidneys. Treatment principles include balancing yin and yang and promoting qi and Xue (blood) circulation, nourishing the spleen, dredging the Sanjiao channel, and regulating the du and ren channels. In Chinese medicine, RLS is caused by heat in the Heart, which is thought to cause agitation in one’s spirit, and can lead to restlessness during sleep. 

Walking around and shaking your legs can help to stop the Yang escaping, giving restless legs however it is not a way to action every night while sleeping as it breaks the sleep patterns.

It is a complicated syndrome indeed. Unlike Western medicine, which largely views RLS as a neurological disorder, TCM emphasizes restoring harmony and balance within the body’s energy systems.

TCM practitioners assess individual patterns of disharmony to determine the root cause and tailor the treatment accordingly.

Based on my clinical experience, what I get the most is Blood Stagnation so apart of the acupuncture points used below to treat the manifestations of the condition, we need herbal medicine to address the underlying causes of RLS: Shao Yao Gan Cao TangHuang Qi Gui Zhi Wu Wu Tang and Yi Guan Jian are some of the ones useful on these cases.

Acupuncture pressure points for restless legs 

Although each patient needs to be carefully diagnosed, the most common points to be effective on treating this conditions are the following: 

  • Shenshu (BL23):  Regulates the KIDNEYS for all TCM Kidney issues. Therefore, regulate any condition affecting the legs.
  • Xuehai (SP10): fantastic for all issues due to Heat in the Blood. 
  • Chenshan (BL57): Soothes sinews for sciatica, lower back and calf pain.
  • Zusanli (ST36):  Tonifies Qi & Blood for faster healing.
  • Sanyinjiao (SP6): commander point of the hips, for any hip girdle & pelvic floor issues. 
  • Taixi (KD3): perfect for insomnia (toss and turn all night), and night sweat.

Image by freepik

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